What a find! I'm at a very well known discount store.....and found a blow-up boxing thingy of Toy Story/Buzz & Zurg for $5 - it's a little bit taller than Sam. PERFECT I thought for those 'angry' moments Sam has - brought it home and told him that he is to 'box' or 'hit' Zurg when he gets angry, instead of his sister or throwing his toys. Well, it is an amusing toy to say the least. BOTH kids have fun 'tackeling' and punching it - Sya drags it out of her brothers room and rolls around with it. Well, regardless if it is being used for the purpose I intended it for - it was well worth the $5 bill!! Except the time when I turned around to see Sam drag it towards his sister so he could punch it into her.....that was to be expected. Oh well......she has started pummeling him when she doesn't want to be bothered - that was a matter of time and it has arrived.
This afternoon Sam was a little irritable - mouthy day with a lot of hitting mommy & daddy.....so I put him in t/o and he cried and yelled for me to go away (he could see me from where he was....so I moved). I gave him some time and then went in to the room where he was - and between the yells/demands, etc. I finally got out of him 'why' he was in t/o. He said - "I don't know, I'm complicated mom" - I asked if he was complicated or confused......he then said confused. We then discussed the reason and blah blah blah.....all was good - however, he would not give me a kiss until he gave nana one first (he knew thats where we were going in a few minutes...) - I see where I stand.
NO MORE pull-ups!!! He has been 'trained' officially for two weeks now - WHOO HOOOOOOOO - so much for thinking he was potty trained two years ago!!!!!! What do parents know? - all I know is we cannot control what comes out OR what goes in - when and WHERE! He is getting better at aiming - middle of the night pee's are interesting. He may or may not make it in time - thats to be expected OR he may have trouble aiming due to natural male circumstances - in his words "my wiener was too big so I missed" - good one. HOLD IT and aim - oh wait, I know a 39 year old that has troubles with that so I guess it's lifelong problem......I didn't say that:-) Honey, if your reading this - get over it.....LOVE YOU
So much more to write - but I am tired and am going to bed. Just needed to write something......
Funny stuff you wrote there. Made me laugh. I am glad the $5 Toystory/Zurg toy was a great find. We took Bailey to see Toystory 3, she loved it and so did we. I hope the week is going good and I hope preschool is going great for Samuel. Bailey starts Pre-K after the Labor Day weekend. She is more than ready. I must be boring at home for her. Love you.