Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27

Surprisingly, I have gotten a lot done today considering I've only had a few hours of sleep. Purchased and repotted an Aloe Vera plant (Lewis Greenscape is the ONLY place in GI to get one!!), two baskets of laundry put away, more laundry done, clothes gone through and delivered to the next lucky recipient of 'hand-me-downs', etc.

The night - WIERD! Now Sam is waking several times a night terrorized by 'seeing' various bugs. We've gone from bumble bees to butterflies. Last night, after two big tantrums from this - trying to soothe, rock, talk to, comfort, telling him that Jesus would protect him, the angels, Iron Man, John Deere, WHATEVER it takes - we gave up and at 4AM he woke again and wanted to sleep with us - this has NEVER been an option in our house - but the last two nights - we have given in just so we could get a couple hours of sleep!!! He's also been yelling for one of us - nap time OR night time - when we go in he has his hands over his ears and says the sirens are going to go off. Aye aye aye - what next.

Had daycare today - half day, and he did ok. Had an 'accident' in his pants which he normally does NOT at daycare. We were late again, due to the rough night, he did not wake well and was very difficult to get going! He wanted to stay home, he wanted to leave his jammy shirt on (typical) and I wasn't going to fight it today so I let him wear it. Finally got him out the door and to dc by 9:00. Then Sya and I were able to hang out had a great morning, she is so silly. She is copying every word you say - very subtle so you really have to listen. Into everything, doesn't miss a beat and is starting to defend herself with her big bro. She kicked him off the couch the other night and caught him off guard. Don and I just looked at him wondering what he would do - he looked at us and after a beat...started laughing! That was his reaction THIS time!!

Now yesterday - he woke SOOOOO incredibly funny and happy - we LOVED it!! Not sure what made the difference but we sure enjoyed it and so did his sissy! He and daddy were puting on shaving cream and 'shaving', he was copying and being so goofy in an unobnoxious way - it was nice.

If anyone knows of a few people that would be willing, capable and available to give us/me a break in the evenings/weekends - DO SHARE!!! We would be willing to have them come over, spend time with us and the kids/Sam to learn behaviors and consequences, etc. I do have one high schooler in mind, but she will be involved in everything and not available very often. THANKS for reading......'til next time....

1 comment:

  1. I am glad your day yesterday was a better one. I got the book this morning. I am excited to dig into it. I will have to look into the other one after reading The Best Kind of Different. I wish I could be there to give you a break. This is the hard part about living so far away. I will pray that someone or some people family or friends will step up and help you out. I pray for sleep for you a lot. Sleep is so important, people do not realize that until their body feels like they can't go on or your mental capacity is so over the top from lack of sleep, instead you get stressed. I will send the clothes I got the kids soon. I wanted to add something else, school related for both of them. :) Love to you.
