Sunday, February 13, 2011

Still Going.......

Simply because it is almost Valentine's Day - red.  WOW it's been a while - believe me I think of this BLOG everyday and what I would/could write if I only had the luxury of TIME.  SOOOOO much to tell - but won't get it all out tonight.  Just a quick update and vent:-)

Well, REALLY wanted to go to church this morning and low and guessed it - NO sleep!!!!!  Our family has been struggling with the flu/sinus infection the last two weeks.   Sam has not been to pre-school for a week and a half - granted there was a two day break in there but it has been a long time for him - and he is actually missing his friends.  That said - I sure hope tomorrow AM is EASY going for him to get dressed and on the bus - after struggling to get him to want to stop rocking FASTER FASTER FASTER that is....YES we are still dealing with that issue! 

Same issues - different day.   I have found a couple rocking chairs that would be perfect for him. (hoping he would take to it without our holding him tight as we do the rocking!!  We might have to get rid of our chairs!)  Anyway - they are close to $400 after shipping and all - YIKES!!!  But - thats what we can expect since we need a truly legit rocker that he can rock FAST and not slip and slide everywhere - it's going to have to be just like an adult chair with a strong base but his size.  Guess we'll have to start saving.........

Had conferences......went ok.  I inquired why he was getting more 'sad' faces than usual - meaing he had to go to 'thinking time' during school.  Well - it's a good and bad thing - he is actually wanting to socialize and interact much more - therefore he is struggling with HOW to to handle situations.  For example - a friend wasn't giving Sam what he wanted so he grabbed his arm really hard and made his 'angry' sound.....well he had to go 'think' about what he did.  So - it's ok if we see a few more sad faces as long as they are helping him to make the better choices.  They are really pushing for him to go to Kindergarten next year - he turns 5 October 9th.........academically, yep he's ready; socially - not sure how that will go - we have no problem with him taking Kinder. twice.  His OT in Hastings says it might take that first year to get him used to the school 'ways' and then the next year to function properly.  I am going to a school this week or next and observing - the teacher and the K ways.  

K - so YAY I've blogged for those of you missing it - and for myself mostly:-)  Oh do I have some stories to tell.........more later and I sure hope it won't much later....... 

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